A Message for May-channeled with love from the Akashic Records

Hello beautiful soul,

This week I want to share a bit more about a beautiful tool that has become a huge part of my healing journey and how I help facilitate healing with others through the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records hold the wisdom of Your Line, the highest, most loving energy needed to heal our wounds and see ourselves for what we are: stardust, the whole damn universe, divinity incarnate, whole, and loved souls. In your records, you can access higher level consciousness and guidance to help you live in alignment with your most authentic, compassionate, and embodied expression of your essence and energy. The Akashic Records can be read on an individual level in person or remotely or on a collective level as I’ve done below. You can also access the Records of your home and your pet for additional guidance and support. Anyone can learn to read and work with the Akashic Records as a tool however, the Records should only be opened with specific permission of the individual in honoring spiritual ethics. If you’d like to learn more about the Akashic Records or have your own personal reading done by me, please reach out to me HERE.

The Records are usually opened and closed through a prayer. There are many examples of prayers channeled by others that can get you started. I was able to channel my own after a few months of working in the Records and now use it as I have shared here.

Opening prayer

Oh, holiest of holy divine love and energy.

I honor the wisdom of the Masters, Teachers, and loved ones, guides, guardians, angels, and spirits in highest energy and love.

I open the channel to receive from this highest place.  To lead, guide, and direct me.

I ask to see the collective in the light of the Akashic records, to see the collective through the love of the Akashic Records. To hold the purest and highest consciousness and love and protection from all forms of self centered and malevolent spirits.  We are wrapped in love, we are wrapped in light.

The records are now open.

I was asked initially to clear some energy utilizing the Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, this is a tool I use often to help with energetic attunement. I was asked to clear some of my own energy as to not interfere with the collective. I was then asked to clear some collective energy around abandonment, particularly self-abandonment, love unreceived, unworthiness, and a heart wall of shame and vulnerability.

Once that was complete, here is the message that came through:

Do not discredit the value of your truth. YOUR truth is a gift. It is yours and only yours, it may not match other’s truths. So how you say, can we have so many truths running around? Your truth is the path to your liberation. The wild ones set us all free. It all leads back to Source, God, the Goddess, the Universe, the Divine, whatever you call it ultimately, but how each of us walk this path is different. It was designed to be this way. Where do you find your peace? Like true inner peace. Not just peace that’s been prescribed to you through teachings and even indoctrination, but what makes you feel alive and connected to all that lives with you on this planet? How do you find peace in your soul? In your essence? In being truly who you are? Stop fighting about who’s right and wrong, everyone has their path, their journey, and their truth. We realize where it gets sticky is when your truth collides with someone else’s truth. Is your truth hurting others? Like really compromising their safety? Like promoting hatred of a group of people or others that may be different from you? That is something to really ask yourself as you continue on in this human experience and to move toward healing this projection within yourself.

Love truly is the answer. Not like love as in lip service to the notion, but as in deeply rooted grace filled love. The kind of love that can heal division. The kind of love that can absorb all pain. Divine Love. This month is a process of collective remembrance of your truth in love. Of reclaiming the truth of your soul in love. That you were created in love, by love, and through love. How can you be more expressed in love?

We are all so hungry for the love. We’ve been walking around our entire earthly lives feeling abandoned and alone. Even those that had a loving family and home have felt unknown and as if love was unreceived at times and this hurts. Many of you walk around feeling unworthy of love, abundance, peace. Let us remind you it is your birthright as a living being to receive the goodness and love you were created with. Not that you won’t have trials, lessons, and at times feel like a part of you is dying. It is. We all must continue to walk the birth, death, birth process. We witness this deep pain within that must be tended to for you to truly receive this message. Hurt people hurt people. This is a saying we know you hear. It is true, and it is time to heal. How you say?

The collective is screaming for deep grace filled love. It starts within. Letting your heart open to your own truth. It starts with each of you committing to healing the love within your own heart. To allowing yourself to rebuild trust in yourself. To letting your walls down that have been masked with shame and fear of being vulnerable. The fear of abandonment is real. We see, we honor this, it is time to remember who you are. A child of the divine. One of my mentors, Sarah Jenks recently shared a message she had heard that as an adult, we cannot be abandoned. Some of us felt abandoned as children or even carry abandonment wounds from our ancestry, but it is time to reparent yourself and rebuild trust in your own heart. It is time to step back into trust of yourself and know that you can never leave you and the universe holds you always.

This world can swirl around and create utter chaos out there, but you are a sovereign being. The funny thing is about this philosophy of “as within so without,” the more inner peace, love, and calm you cultivate within your own vessel, your own body and nervous system, the more you will start to see peace, love, and calm outside of you. Everything is energy. Remember this and the next time you are tempted to get sucked into the vortex or the matrix of anything but, you have the ability to choose differently. You can choose to practice peace. You can choose to learn ways to relax your nervous system and not let the swirling imbalance you any longer. You can slow down. As long as you are human this will continue to challenge you. You’re not doing it wrong if you keep coming up against the same lessons or challenges, you are spiraling in deeper toward yourself and healing on a deep, deep level. May you let the light in.

Closing prayer:

Thank you for honoring the journey of the soul.  Thank you love and divine energy for guiding us today.  I heed your call and honor it.  Deep in my bones it is honored.

The records are now closed Amen.

The records are now closed Amen.

The records are now closed Amen.

Blessings and so much love.


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